Steam achievements in Java(libgdx). Step by step for dummies.

Steam achievements in Java(libgdx). Step by step for dummies. In this tutorial I will present in a rather comprehensive way the implementation of Steam's achievements in Java. I used the libgdx framework, but the tutorial should apply regardless of the technology used, if it is java. The tutorial was tested only for a desktop game (Windows). I must also mention that I tested adding achievements on a game that had been already released, but the same procedure should also apply to a game in a beta state . In addition, I used Eclipse and the standard structure of projects for libgdx, i.e. 3 projects for desktop, core and android (which contains the assets folder). 1. Steam achievements Achievements are a Steam's service that allows you to extend the functionality of our game. It's something to strive to "achieve". Instead of doing the main campaign you can also attempt to get the achievements which add to your game completion on your steam profile...